Release schedule for the next month
_Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash_
Hello and welcome to a slightly different post than you'll typically find here at Weekly OverVue. I figured these would probably be a better fit for the Release Radar newsletter, but since I'd also promised to release two articles this weekend... here we are. So if you find this type of content useful, make sure to sign up for said newsletter via a special form on the home page or via its Twitter profile.
Disclaimer: Knowing Mac (and his luck when he needs it most), both the article publishing dates as well as their topics themselves are subject to change. With that out of the way, here are four upcoming Weekly OverVue articles in their (provisional) release order:
- Jewelry Store - online jewelry store demo built using Maya Shavin's Vurian wizard component and XState. Coming February 20
- News Highlights - Nuxt 3 "latest news in a nutshell" application utilising Flicking carousel component and Mac's very own RSS Feed generation module. Coming February 27
- Survey Builder - I'm confident this name speaks for itself; it will make use of FormKit not only for previewing a questionnaire, but also generating it! Coming March 6
- Tic Tac Toe - another project that needs no introduction; built using vue3-boardgame plugin. Coming March 13
Thank you so much for reading in and remember - Mac believes in you!